Efficient Development Checklist

From a discussion with a few colleagues, I was assured of the impression, that while, allmost everybody in software developments knows three things: a) the process (what process?) in most organisations is broken and b) everybody has heard that other, larger better organisations use modern methods (”Oh, that, yes I read about <fortune 500 company> is doin’ it.”) and nobody is using it themselfs, for various reasons. Myself included.

There are a number of small things that you can introduce piece by piece into your development process and see if they work. No need to proclaim to follow the latest agile programming fad. Just do a few little things at a time. Don’t bother upper management with it. Just reach your goals and collect the pay rise at the end of the year.

I am sure that some of the points below are obvious to you and you say “we have been doing this for many years now”. Good for you. Now go on an tackle the next one. Check how many you are consistently doing. In every project. For single every and any development object, be it documentation or code. This is a checklist for me as it is for you. So come back occasionaly and check if you are still doing all you can.

Version Control

Use a Version Control System (vcs). Be it something simple and free like CVS or better Subversion or a complex commercial system like VisualSourceSafe, Continuous, just have every scrap of code or documentation be controlled by a version control system. And check in early and often. And not just source code. Tracking the changes of documentation is probably even more important.


Set up a repository. Will take from 5 Minutes to 8 Hours, depending on product and project. Install proper clients for your OS and IDE.

Ongoing effort:

Less time than the effort to copy your local copy to a shared folder on a network drive. Usually <5 seconds per check-in

Further reading:

Test first

No, don’t say “we don’t do Extreme Programming here” yet. This has only very little to do with XP and a lot with writing code for tasks that you really understood and will be able to check that you understood correctly three month later. The actual application code will document how you meant to solve the problem, but the test code shows what you thought the problem to be. It documents your assumptions.


Ongoing effort:

Write a test before the implementation. You will have to, later on, anyway.

  • JUnit Unit Testing for Java

Further reading:

Automated Build

No, clicking on “Build Project” in Eclipse is not an automated build.

The usual tools are make for the C/C++, mainly Unix/Linux world, ant for java. For the .Net world there exists a nant that I have not used yet.

But if you like for instance ant, it is not only for Java, just happens to be written in Java. It can help you automate, and thereby document each and every step you make to build, package and deploy your code.


Learn the configuration language of your choosen tool. Modern ones ususally use XML files, so all you have to do is read up on the workings of the tags.

Ongoing effort:

Maintaining the build file is easier than writing documentation on how the project needs to be build or continously educating your co-workers on how the project is to be build.

  • Ant: Automated Build not only for Java

Further reading:

Automated Test

Not just Unit tests. Every test is worthy to be run automatically.


Ongoing effort:

Further reading:

Continous Integration

Now that your build and your tests run automatically, why not do them every time somebody changes anything in the whole of the project.


Ongoing effort:

Further reading:

Bug Tracking

Even if there is no seperate support or customer care department, you should write everything the customer tells you that he is not satisfied with into a bug tracking database. If it is not in the Tracker it did not happen. If you use one, it is easy to prove to management as well as the customer what you are actually doing. It also helps collect information about a bug from different source. And if a bug is occouring seldomly you will not suffer from a split brain problem where one developer does not learn of what was reported to another depeveloper.


Ongoing effort:

Further reading:

Test First Debugging

Write a test that reproduces the problem. Add test to automtic tests. Now fix the actual problem. You win two things. You document exactly what acctually caused the problem. And you also can be sure that future changes to your code do not make your code susceptible to that particular problem. You can be sure that bugs stay fixed.


Ongoing effort:

Further reading:

Delta Debugging

If you have a large set of input data that will cause a programm to misbehave, your first need to trim away the fat and find out what the relevant elements of the data for making the bug appear are. This will help you greatly not only to write a test for the previous point in this list, it will also help you finding out what is causing the problem and fixing it.

Now you could sprinkle your liberally with printf()/println() statements and then wade through mountains of logs, or you could have the computer do the work for you. That is called Delta Debugging.

The computer will just remove lines of code from your program and check if the code still compiles and if it does if it still creates the error. Now this process may be optimized by telling the computer what constitutes a valid programm, and how to efficiently reduce functionality from a programm, but in essence that is all to it to Delta Debugging.

It is a whole lot of work to try out all these only slightly differing programms. But then that is what computers are very good at: trying things to see if they work, over and over again.


Ongoing effort:

Further reading: